Transport in Calvi to visit Corsica

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The distances and time of the courses are given as an indication. Times may vary depending on traffic and how you drive.

- Bastia-Calvi about 115 km or 1H40 by car
- Figari-Calvi about 250 km or 3H30 by car
- Ile-Rousse-Calvi about 25 km or 30 minutes by car
- Porto-Vecchio - Calvi about 220 km or 3H10 by car
- Ajaccio-Calvi about 180 km or 2H40 by car

- Hitchhiking: here as elsewhere, it does not work too badly.
- Moto: no problems to report but avoid speed excess.

- Buses and coaches: the coastline is deserved, but the frequencies are low. The cheapest kind of transport.
- Train: the lines Ajaccio-Bastia via Corte and Ajaccio-Calvi cross grandiose landscapes. Information: 04-95-32-80-60.

- Car: Due to the narrow roads and many turns, do not expect to beat speed records in Corsica. A tip: up the horn in the bends. Do not forget to bring a good road map: the Michelin No. 345 is perfect.

Here are the main transport companies:

Buses and coaches:
- Beaux Voyages (20260 Calvi, tel: 0033-4-95-65-11-35);
- Les Rapides Bleus (20137 Porto-Vecchio, tel: 0033-4-95-70-10-36).


Car rentals:
Aéroports de Corse :

Pour avoir accès au plan de route, cliquez sur votre aéroport d'arrivée

Calvi : 7km
Bastia : 95km
Figari : 253km
Ajaccio : 161km
Centrale hôtelière Calvi
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